7/27 Rehearsal Information
Welcome back PVSB members! I’m looking forward to getting back to our music-making after spending a week at the Cal State LA Conducting Workshop.
We begin rehearsing for our (tentative) Labor Day Weekend Concert this Wednesday 7/27 at 7:30 pm at Riviera United Methodist Church (our usual location). The upcoming schedule looks to be as follows:
Wednesday 7/27 @ 7:30pm – Rehearsal
Wednesday 8/3 @ 7:30pm – Rehearsal*
Wednesday 8/10 @ 7:30pm – Rehearsal*
Wednesday 8/17@ 7:30pm – Rehearsal*
Wednesday 8/24 @ 7:30pm – Rehearsal*
Wednesday 8/31 @ 7:30pm – Dress Rehearsal*
Sunday 9/4 @ 3pm (Tentative) – Performance
* pending no indoor mask mandate
Flexibility will be critical for the foreseeable future. In particular, if/when an indoor mask mandate is issued by the county, we will not be rehearsing indoors as listed above, but instead considering these outdoor options:
Earlier Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm
Saturdays (possibly 8/20 & 8/27) at 2pm
We will discuss/poll for preferences at the first rehearsal this week. I understand that these alternate times may not work for everyone, and appreciate your flexibility as we in turn try to accommodate individual circumstances. Our hope is that alternate scheduling will not be needed.
Sheet music is making its way to the Members’ Area of our website (www.pvsband.org, password: pvsb1962) and is also available at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QzBzchFt2niQdBMyQbbh-pwwn_WglHf8. (You may need to copy and paste the URL text.) Not all of the posted music will be in the next concert. The exact repertoire will be based on how rehearsals pan out over the next month (again with the need for flexibility). As such, relevant copies will be provided at rehearsals.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly by email, text, or phone.
- Mark